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Star Fighters Rapid Fire Kickstarter Preview and Gameplay | @alleycatgames

Live playthrough of the fast action dice rolling Kickstarter game Star Fighters Rapid Fire by Alley Cat Games. Back Star Fighters on Kickstarter . About Star Fighters: Rapid Fire combines the excitement of real-time dice rolling with tactical starship combat. Each player hops into the cockpit of their own starfighter and duels it out in a dog fight to prove who is the superior pilot. The game plays in multiple modes 1 vs 1, 3 player free-for-all, 2 vs 2, or a solo mode where a single starfighter attacks an orbital space station. In the real-time phase all players roll and re-roll their command dice simultaneously, and assign them to the various functions of their starfighter. When a player has fully charged systems and is ready to act they may end the real-time phase by hitting the big red button and yelling, “Fire!” This means all players must cease rolling and allocating dice and move to the tactical phase. In the tactical phase players then alternate activating the systems they hav...

Japanese Hidden Gems Board Games by Board Game Tables.com Coming Soon to Kickstarter

BoardGameTables.com announced two incredibly quirky and fun Japanese board games that will be launching on Kickstarter October 12th.

The first game is Dandelions, a small box area-majority game that feels entirely unique, yet closely related to our crowd favorite Mountain Goats.

The second game is Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town, an exploration game where you have to navigate through teleports, graveyards and ghosts to deliver pizza.

"Do you have any indie Japanese games at home? Or any that you're a big fan of? If so, you'll no doubt understand why we all love so many of these thoughtful and offbeat games. If you haven't been fortunate to play one - that's why we're doing this!"

The majority of independent Japanese games are either incredibly hard to purchase, or, if you are lucky enough to purchase them, it's dubious if you can find translated rules. This challenge has led BoardGameTables.com to team-up with James Nathan to help us connect with Japanese designers and bring their designs to a larger market.

Keeping in line with the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", BoardGameTables.com promises that both Dandelions and Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town will stay true to the original gameplay. The only delicate touches we're adding are to the illustrations and some small adjustments that will help smooth the learning and playing experiences.

About Dandelions

Transform into a dandelion and float through clear blue skies on a pleasant breeze in this dice-rolling area-majority game with a little direct-competition edge. Your quest is to find the best spots for your seeds to grow across a variety of vibrant, beautiful, and cozy gardens.

Players will roll a group of dice and choose one to move to a beautiful garden. Along the way, you'll be able to harness the power of the wind with three special actions - Float, Puff, and Gust - to get the most points. The game ends after all the dice are used, and the winner will receive the most victory points as combined from two different scoring methods.

About Psychic Pizza Deliverers Go to the Ghost Town

In this game, players are divided into the "Pizza Delivery Professionals" and a mayor (GM) who controls the ghosts and builds the town.

The pizza delivery professionals have to find a pizza and deliver it to the right house in town, all while avoiding ghosts, barriers, and mystic teleportation runes! The first player to find and successfully deliver a pizza wins the game.

Thankfully our pizza delivery professionals all possess mild psychic powers. They must use their abilities to sense and divine what's around them if they hope to deliver their pizzas.

The main role of mayor is to "moderate" and "to make the town". The mayor wins if no one is able to deliver their pizza.

The game begins with the mayor building a unique town map, to include the starting location for each player, Pizza, and house. On a player’s turn they may choose to move one space in any of the four cardinal directions, attack in any of the four cardinal directions in hope of banishing a ghost, or use a psychic power. The mayor then resolves the action, tells the player the location of any barriers adjacent to the player, and whether or not the player senses any ghosts/pizzas/houses in any of the eight spaces surrounding the player.

Attacking removes ghosts from the board and lets players draw one psychic card. Psychic cards allow players to make special movements on the board such as diagonal, hop step, or warp back to start.

The players have only twenty turns to locate a pizza and deliver it to the matching house. The players have a gridded sheet of paper and a pencil to draw and record information about the town. The mayor has a special log sheet to track all the players moves and results.

The game also includes several variant tiles that can be added to the town to vary gameplay.


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